Monday, January 9, 2012


Special thanks to Anne E. Maurer from the Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation.

 Anne has been such a big help to me.  She has been great to bounce ideas off, help me make decisions, and has just been a huge support to me during times when I was having a particularly sad or frustrating moment.  She also sent me a large packet of helpful information on Mason's condition.  

Thank you so much Anne for being there when I didn't know who to call that would understand and be able to give me the information I needed.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm touched Rebecca! Thank you! I hope to continue to be here for you, whatever you might need! Mason is a lucky boy to have such a dedicated Mama doing everything she can for him. -And anyone else who is touched by Mason's condition- the SADS Foundation is happy to answer questions or do whatever we can to help you support Mason and his family, they need their community right now!
